Shareholders Relations, Key Events in 2018
The Company established a multi-level system for securing the rights of its shareholders.
The Guarantees of the Shareholders’ Rights as Required by the Legislation and the Listing Rules
Pursuant to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Company’s shareholders are entitled to:
- vote at the General Shareholders Meeting on one-share-one-vote basis;
- bring issues to the agenda of the General Shareholders Meeting and the Meeting of candidates to the Board of Directors (if a shareholder owns at least 2% of voting shares);
- exercise a pre-emptive right when placing the shares and issue-grade securities convertible into shares;
- receive dividends declared by the Company in proportion to the amount of shares owned by a shareholder;
- get acquainted with the information and materials submitted as part of the preparation to the General Shareholders Meeting;
- obtain information on the Company’s activities on request and as stated by the Russian legislation;
- make free use of Rosneft’s shares;
- exercise other rights stated by the Russian legislation.
Additional Guarantees of the Rights Embodied in Rosneft’s Charter and Internal Documents
The Company offers equal and fair opportunities for its shareholders to exercise their legal rights, e.g. by securing additional rights and procedures in the Charter and internal documents, including the right to:
- share in the Company’s profit distributed as dividends;
- receive necessary information on the Company on a timely and regular basis;
- influence the governance of the Company.
Independent and Professional Board of Directors
The number and membership of the Board of Directors reflect the Company’s shareholding profile. Electing the Board’s members by cumulative voting secures their rights and legal interests.
The Board of Directors consists of four independent Directors with internationally recognized business standing.
Official Shareholders Relations Channels
Efficient vehicles were created to foster relations of the shareholders and the Company
The Company has in place several communications channels used to safeguard the exercise of its corporate rights and to maintain efficient shareholder relations, including:
- hotline for Rosneft shareholders - a multichannel phone line to receive and handle calls: 8 (800) 500-11-00 (toll-free within Russia); +7 (495) 987-30-60;
- mailing address for letters: 26/1, Sofiyskaya Embankment, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation.
- e-mail:;
- fax: +7 (499) 517-86-53;
- shareholder account (within the startup of analysis information system “Corporate Governance” planned for 2019).
The Corporate Governance Department acting as the Corporate Secretary Office handled 5,497 appeals in 2018, including:
- 4,384 phone calls;
- 427 letters;
- 82 e-mails;
- 604 requests on dividends payout for previous periods.
Answers to frequently asked questions of the shareholders are posted on the Company’s website .
Share Rights Protection Tools
The Company practices reliable and safe methods to record the share rights and attracts a professional registrar to maintain the Shareholder Register.
The Regulations on Provision of Information to Rosneft Shareholders are posted on the website
The resolutions of the General Shareholders Meeting are posted on the website
The contact details of the Registrar and its Service Outlets are posted on the website