Offshore Projects of the Company
Rosneft sees hydrocarbon resource development on the continental shelf as a key strategic direction for its growth.
Results of Offshore Exploration in Russia
In 2018, in line with its license commitments, Rosneft continued exploration and prospecting for oil and gas in offshore areas in the Russian Arctic, the Far East, and southern seas.
2D/3D Seismic Surveys
In 2018, Rosneft completed 700 linear km of 2D seismic surveys and 50 sq. km of 3D seismic survey at the Deryuginsky license area on the Sakhalin shelf, exceeding the scope that is stipulated by its license obligations. The gathered seismic data will enable optimal decision making on further exploration of the license area.
Field Geology Expeditions
Three on-shore field geology expeditions were organized in the Caucasus region, on Sakhalin and in the Timan-Pechora region aimed at minimizing the geological risks related to all elements of petroleum systems, such as source rocks for oil and gas, reservoir rocks, and cap rocks, in the Company’s offshore license areas in the Black Sea, the Far East, and the Arctic. Representative rock samples were collected for laboratory analysis, the results of which will be used to update the geological model of the region and survey areas.
Exploration Drilling
On 1 May 2018, Rosneft finished construction of the Central Olginskaya-1 well in the Khatangsky license area in the Laptev Sea – the first exploration well on the Russian Western Arctic shelf. The Company completed the pre-drilling phase in record-breaking time, successfully carrying out a most complex logistics project of bringing a drilling rig, and necessary materials and equipment to the drilling site. Based on the drilling results from the Central Olginskaya-1 well on the Western Arctic shelf, Russia’s State Reserves Committee confirmed in October 2017 the discovery of the Central Olginskoye field containing recoverable reserves (АВС1+С2) of over 80 mmt of crude.
In March 2018, Rosneft used a semi-submersible unit to complete drilling of the first ultradeep prospecting well Maria-1 within the West Chernomorskaya ploshchad license area on the Black Sea shelf. The sea depth in the drilling location is 2,109 m. The actual well depth is 5,265 m. Currently, the drilling results are being analyzed, that will allow updating the geological model of the Black Sea shelf and planning further explorations in the Company’s license areas.
Soil Surveys
Soil surveys were completed in the area selected for drilling an exploration well within the West Prinovozemelsky license area in the Barents Sea.
The results of comprehensive marine surveys provided full sets of data for well design and construction in the license area, including for engineering and environmental protection. Detailed data on soil composition in the area will allow experts to predict geological and geological engineering processes, as well as address the risks that might arise at the drilling phase.
Environmental Monitoring
In accordance with license commitments relating to the environment protection measures, Rosneft carried out the following works:
- inspections of wellheads of previously drilled wells in the Pechora, Barents Seas, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Black, Caspian Seas, and the Sea of Azov. All works were performed in line with the requirements of Russian health, safety, and environmental legislation (HSE). The inspected wellheads were in a satisfactory technical condition, hydrocarbon leakages were not detected;
- the annual environmental monitoring of the marine ecosystem in the Medynsko-Varandeisky license area. The pollutants content in the sea water and seabed sediments was within the assigned limits, the water area was characterized by average biodiversity indices.