Downstream (Refining and Commerce)
Rosneft is No.1 in Russia in terms of capacities and volumes of oil refining. The Company includes 13 large refineriesIncluding OJSC Slavneft-YANOS. with more than 103 mmt of oil processed in 2018.
refining depth in 2018 COMPANY’S OPERATIONS in oil refining in 2018 were focused on meeting the market demand for high-quality petroleum products.
light product yield Indices | 2016Including effect from Bashneft purchase in October 2016. | 2017 | 2018 | Change 2017/2018, %Counted from non-rounded data. |
Crude oil distillation capacity, mmt per year | 100.9 | 118.4 | 118.4As of 1 January 2019, excluding non-operational capacities undergoing overhauls, including mini-refineries. | - |
Oil refined, mmt per year | 87.5 | 100.6 | 103.3 | 2.8% |
Refinery utilization rate, % | 86.7 | 85.0 | 87.2 | 2.2 p.p. |
Petroleum product and petrochemical output, mmt | 84.8 | 96.9 | 99.7 | 2.9% |
Refining depth, % | 72.0 | 75.2 | 75.1 | -0.1 p.p. |
Light product yield, % | 56.6 | 58.4 | 58.1 | -0.3 p.p. |
103.3+2.8% mmt
oil refined at Russian oil refineries in 2018