Downstream (Refining and Commerce)

Rosneft is No.1 in Russia in terms of capacities and volumes of oil refining. The Company includes 13 large refineriesIncluding OJSC Slavneft-YANOS. with more than 103 mmt of oil processed in 2018.

refining depth in 2018

COMPANY’S OPERATIONS in oil refining in 2018 were focused on meeting the market demand for high-quality petroleum products.

light product yield
Key Performance Metrics of the Group’s Russian Oil and Gas Condensate Refineries
Indices 2016Including effect from Bashneft purchase in October 2016. 2017 2018 Change 2017/2018, %Counted from non-rounded data.
Crude oil distillation capacity, mmt per year 100.9 118.4 118.4As of 1 January 2019, excluding non-operational capacities undergoing overhauls, including mini-refineries. -
Oil refined, mmt per year 87.5 100.6 103.3 2.8%
Refinery utilization rate, % 86.7 85.0 87.2 2.2 p.p.
Petroleum product and petrochemical output, mmt 84.8 96.9 99.7 2.9%
Refining depth, % 72.0 75.2 75.1 -0.1 p.p.
Light product yield, % 56.6 58.4 58.1 -0.3 p.p.
Russian Refinery Product Mix, mmt

103.3+2.8% mmt
oil refined at Russian oil refineries in 2018
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