Marketing and Distribution

Petroleum Product Sales to Non-FSU Countries

In 2018, the Company increased its petroleum product exports to 72.6 mmt, up 3.4% year-on-year.

As part of enhancing cooperation with the Republic of Cuba in pursuance of intergovernmental agreements, three diesel fuel supplies and three base oils supplies were made during 2018.

Domestic Sales of Petroleum Products

Domestic sales of petroleum products totaled 40.5 mmt in 2018, up 3% year-on-year.

Rosneft is the largest motor fuel seller in Russia trading on the exchange. In 2018, the Company traded extensively in petroleum products on this channel, with its share (including the Ufa group of refineries) in the total exchange trading volume amounting to:

  • 47% for motor gasoline;
  • 39% for diesel fuel;
  • 43% for fuel oil.

The Company exceeded the sales volume targets on the exchange approved by a joint order of the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Russian Ministry of Energy dated 30 April 2014. In 2018, 22.6% of total motor gasoline output, 8.3% of diesel fuel, 14.33% of kerosene, and 3.0% of fuel oil from Rosneft’s refineries (including the Ufa group of refineries) were sold on the exchange, with the targets set at 10%, 5%, 10%, and 2%, respectively.

In 2018, as consistent with the requests received from counterparties, the Company fully and on time delivered motor fuel under the Northern Supply Haul program.

+3.4 %
petroleum products exports in 2018
+3 %
increase in domestic sales of petroleum products
Petroleum Product Sales to Non-FSU Countries

Sales of Petroleum Products to FSU Countries

Rosneft carries out regular wholesale deliveries of light and dark oil products to the market of Mongolia. Long-term contracts for motor gasoline and diesel fuel supply with the largest Mongolian importers of petroleum products were signed at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, enabling to maintain a stable position of the Company on the Mongolian petroleum products market and to strengthen the cooperation with its Mongolian partners. In 2018, the deliveries of light petroleum products for the first time exceeded 1 mmt.

In 2018, Rosneft continued its stable and uninterrupted tanker supplies of petroleum products to Armenia, supplying 175.4 thousand tonnes of high-quality gasoline and diesel fuel to the market from the Company’s Russian refineries.

Rosneft also supplies gasoline and diesel fuel to its sales subsidiary in the Kyrgyz Republic, RN-Kyrgyznefteprodukt, for resale via own retail network and wholesale channels. In 2018, supplies of petroleum products to the Republic totaled 110.1 thousand tonnes.

The Company continues to focus on expanding its international footprint and diversifying its supply routes. In 2018, the Company continued to supply petroleum products to the retail network in Georgia, totaling 143.5 thousand tonnes, as well as to European customers, including Demiroren Group (Turkey) and Mabanaft GmbH (Germany), totaling 1,779.1 thousand tonnes of diesel fuel.

>1  mmt
petroleum products supplies to the market of Mongolia in 2018
Meeting the petroleum products demand of federal clients is a priority business area of the Company under Rosneft’s Policy. In 2018, Rosneft and its Subsidiaries fully fulfilled their obligations to supply petroleum products to federal clients. The client relations in this area will be continued in 2019.
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